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Outsourced FM: A new possibility for private schools 

Historically, private schools in the UK have not been not able to claim back VAT from service providers. As a result, they have kept their facilities management in house. 

With the new government’s plans to impose 20% VAT on private school fees, private schools are now in a position to explore the benefits of outsourced FM. 

Here are a few...

Save costs on essential services

Outsourced FM providers can leverage purchasing power and achieve economies of scale, reducing costs to schools for cleaning, maintenance, and other services.

Improve operational efficiency

FM providers, like Macro, use technology and agile management models to achieve high maintenance standards that reduce downtime and the need for costly repairs.

Enhance educational experience 

In addition to helping achieve sustainability targets, FM providers, like Macro, can improve the educational setting and support learning through wellbeing initiatives. 

In summary, outsourcing FM can help private schools take advantage of the impact of VAT charges, by improving both operations and experience.

For a chat on how we can help you, get in touch with Chris Bampton, Macro CFO: 

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